Managing congested actors in Akka
Hovedøya |
It’s actually very easy to simulate such load by simply sending continuous stream of messages to an actor as fast as possible:
case object PingOf course you should not sleep in actor, ever, this is just to stress the mailbox. If you are (un)lucky and play a bit with the amount of sleep, your application will soon spend most of the time doing (fruitless) GC and you might see dreadful OOM errors:
class PingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Ping =>
//don't do this at home!
Thread sleep 1
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("Heavy")
val client = system.actorOf(Props[PingActor], "Ping")
while(true) {
client ! Ping
Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread ""…and finally die:
Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread ""
Uncaught error from thread [] shutting down JVMToday we will learn how to handle such congested actors so that sudden burst of traffic does not crash the whole application.
since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[Heavy]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Routing and load balancing
One simple solution to reducing load of one actor is spreading work across several copies of such actor. Akka provides built in routing and load balancing actor that stands in front and manages several instances of our actor. Router chooses (using configurable strategy) one of the underlying instances, therefore spreading load:val props = Props[PingActor].What we did is we asked Akka to put Round Robin router in front of 10 independent instances of
withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 10))
val client = system.actorOf(props, "Ping")
(instead of just one). Theoretically this could cut latency by an order of magnitude. So if routing is so effective, why not use it by default and transparently, like Enterprise Java Beans pooling?To answer this question we need a bit more complex example.
is stateless thus it can be safely replicated behind a router. But what about the following actor?class StoreActor extends Actor {Clearly
private var lastUsedId = 0
def receive = {
case Store(s) =>
val id = nextUniqueId()
slowStore(s, id)
sender ! Done(id)
private def nextUniqueId() = {
lastUsedId += 1
private def slowStore(s: String, id: Int) {
assumes there is only one instance of lastUsedId
and since receive
is never called concurrently, uniqueness of IDs is guaranteed. We generate unique ID, store some message and send generated ID back to the client actor.Unfortunately the moment we put any router in front of
, each copy of that actor has its own lastUsedId
variable and duplicates are unavoidable. Let’s rethink our design. In order to generate unique IDs we must have just one copy of the counter and restrict access to it. But storing is most likely thread-safe, thus can be parallelized. The simples solution would be to use StoreActor
companion object and AtomicInteger
://DIRTY! Close your eyes!Well… Honestly, shared mutable state is hardly what we’re after. We should rather look into actor model more closely and extract ID generation logic to separate actor, promoting single responsibility principle as a bonus:
object StoreActor {
val lastUsedId = new AtomicInteger
class StoreActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
private def nextUniqueId() = StoreActor.lastUsedId.incrementAndGet()
case object GiveMeUniqueIdObviously all
class UniqueIdActor extends Actor {
private var lastUsedId = 0
def receive = {
case GiveMeUniqueId =>
lastUsedId += 1
sender ! lastUsedId
instances behind router should share reference to one single instance of UniqueIdActor
:class StoreActor(uniqueIdActor: ActorRef) extends Actor {As you can see
private implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 minutes)
import context.dispatcher
def receive = {
case Store(s) =>
uniqueIdActor ? GiveMeUniqueId map {
case id: Int =>
slowStore(s, id)
} pipeTo sender
private def slowStore(s: String, id: Int) {
is passed to the actor constructor. Obviously we should not create new UniqueIdActor
in each StoreActor
as that would produce 10 independent child copies rather than one centralized actor. Here is a glue code:val uniqueIdActor = system.actorOf(Props[UniqueIdActor], "UniqueId")
val props = Props(classOf[StoreActor], uniqueIdActor).
withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 10))
val client = system.actorOf(props, "Heavy")
Software transactional memory
You might have a feeling that a separate actor to simply wrap oneInt
is an overkill. On the other hand shared mutable AtomicInteger
is far from Akka’s share-nothing spirit. We can experiment with software transactional memory in Akka built on top of ScalaSTM. We will wrap mutable Int
with transactional Ref
and share this reference among all StoreActor
s:class StoreActor(counter: Ref[Int]) extends Actor {This time all
def receive = {
case Store(s) =>
val id = nextUniqueId()
slowStore(s, id)
sender ! Done(id)
private def nextUniqueId() = atomic {
implicit tx =>
counter += 1
instances share transactional Ref[Int]
. Calling nextUniqueId()
increments counter
within transaction, thus the code is thread-safe. Much simpler architecture and synchronous nextUniqueId()
are easier to read and maintain. However shared data structure of any kind is problematic, especially when we try to scale out. But just as an exercise try to replace STM with agents. Here is a starting glue code for STM:import scala.concurrent.stm.RefIn a perfect world distributing work between several actors can work. But what if we really need just one, single instance and it can’t keep up with incoming messages? In that case we should at least fail fast with
val globalUniqueId = Ref(0)
val props = Props(classOf[StoreActor], globalUniqueId).
withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 10))
val client = system.actorOf(props, "Heavy")
Bounded mailbox
By default mailboxes are limited only by the amount of memory we have. This means that one rogue actor can impact the whole system since each actor has a separate mailbox but they all share the same heap. A simple solution is to limit the size of mailbox and simply discard everything above given threshold. Luckily Akka supports bounded mailboxes out-of-the-(mail)box. In general, if we can’t cope with increasing load, we should at least fail fast rather than hanging forever.class StoreActor extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[BoundedMessageQueueSemantics] {Additionally you must configure queue capacity, either in code or in
private var lastUniqueId = 0
:bounded-mailbox {With this configuration there is only one instance of
mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.BoundedMailbox"
mailbox-capacity = 1000
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 100ms
that can queue up to 1000 messages. If more messages are sent they are discarded and forwarded to Dead Letter Queue, unless mailbox of StoreActor
doesn’t shrink within 100 milliseconds.Summary
Keeping mailboxes short and actors fast is a key factor that impacts responsiveness and stability of Akka application. By monitoring your system you should discover bottlenecks and either scale up/out or fail fast. Otherwise your JVM will quickly start choking and loose momentum.Tags: akka, scala