- #97: Ruby: help every programmer to be productive and to be happy
- #96: Border Gateway Protocol: the duct tape that makes the Internet work
- #95: SQLite: the most ubiquitous database on the planet. And beyond!
- #94: Scala: language with academic background and huge industry adoption
- #93: K-means clustering: machine learning algorithm to easily split observations into multiple buckets
- #92: Clojure: a languages that will change the way you think about programming
- #91: Asynchronous communication: loose coupling in distributed systems
- #90: Mastodon: next-generation, open source social network
- #89: RabbitMQ: A proven message broker for asynchronous communication
- #88: SLI, SLO and SLA: a number, a threshold and a legal document respectively
- #87: Artificial neural networks: imitating human brain to solve problems like humans
- #86: Proof of stake: how to cut global energy usage by 0.2%
- #85: Genetic algorithm: natural selection helps to solve coding problems
- #84: Non-fungible token (NFT): digital, decentralized art market
- #83: Real-time bidding: how online tracking helps serving ads
- #82: MongoDB: the most popular NoSQL database
- #81: Quarkus: supersonic, subatomic Java (guest: Holly Cummins)
- #80: Ethereum: a distributed virtual machine for exchanging money and bored apes
- #79: QUIC: what makes HTTP/3 faster
- #78: Stuxnet: computer virus that you can admire
- #77: DDoS: take down a server, one request at a time
- #76: 12th Factor App: portable and resilient services start here. Part 8-12/12
- #75: 12th Factor App: portable and resilient services start here. Part 1-7/12
- #74: SOAP: (not really) Simple Object Access Protocol
- #73: Neo4j: all your data as a graph?
- #72: React.js: library that won frontends?
- #71: Erlang: let it crash!
- #70: CRDT: Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (guest: Martin Kleppmann)
- #69: DevOps: not a job position, but culture and mindset
- #68: ACID transactions: don't corrupt your data
- #67: Version control systems: auditing source code, tracking bugs and experimenting
- #66: Aspect-oriented programming: another level of code modularization
- #65: Zero Downtime deployment: If it hurts, do it more often
- #64: TypeScript: will it entirely replace JavaScript?
- #63: Logging libraries: auditing and troubleshooting your application
- #62: Object-relational mapping: hiding vs. introducing complexity
- #61: Spring framework: 2 decades of building Java applications
- #60: Haskell: purely functional and statically typed programming language
- #59: How compilers work: from source to execution
- #58: Consumer-driven Contracts: TDD between services
- #57: Kotlin: Much more than "better Java"
- #56: Test-driven development: It's not about testing
- #55: Percentages, percentage points and basis points: understand your metrics
- #54: Immutability: from data structures to data centers
- #53: CDN: Content Delivery Network: global scale caching
- #52: How computers work: from electrons to Electron
- #51: Cloud computing: more than renting servers per minute
- #50: Property-based testing: find bugs automatically by generating thousands of test cases
- #49: Functional programming: academic research or new hope for the industry?
- #48: Distributed tracing: find bottlenecks in complex systems
- #47: Terraform: managing infrastructure as code
- #46: Kubernetes: Orchestrating large-scale deployments
- #45: Node.js: running JavaScript on the server (!)
- #44: RESTful APIs: much more than JSON over HTTP
- #43: Public-key cryptography: math invention that revolutionized the Internet
- #42: Flow control and backpressure: slowing down to remain stable
- #41: Unicode: can you see these: Æ, 爱 and 🚀?
- #40: Docker: more than a process, less than a VM
- #39: DNS: one of the fundamental protocols of the Internet
- #38: HTTP cookies: from saving shopping cart to online tracking
- #37: Fallacies of distributed computing: overlooked challenges
- #36: Microservices architecture: principles and how to break them
- #35: Reactive programming: from spreadsheets to modern web frameworks
- #34: SQL joins: unleash the true power of Structured Query Language
- #33: OAuth 2.0: safe, password-free authorization
- #32: Cryptographic hash function: much more than a blockchain
- #31: Redis: an in-memory database, cache, broker and much more
- #30: Linear Regression: simple, yet powerful machine learning
- #29: Time synchronization: how Network Time Protocol does it's magic
- #28: Event sourcing: your data as a stream of changes
- #27: Proof-of-work in blockchain: achieve consensus without trusted third party
- #26: Blockchain: distributed, append only database
- #25: High-frequency trading: why computers are better than human at trading?
- #24: Service discovery: never again hard-code IP addresses in your configuration
- #23: Garbage collection: how automatic memory management makes writing software much easier
- #22: Moore's law: still alive and true after decades
- #21: SSE and WebSockets: servers can talk to browsers, not only the other way around
- #20: Chaos engineering: breaking your system intentionally when you are prepared
- #19: GraalVM: Polyglot Java runtime with faster startup and smaller memory footprint
- #18: JIT: bytecode, interpreters and compilers
- #17: Business Process Modeling: designing complex processes without much coding
- #16: Akka: distributed actor-based toolkit for the JVM
- #15: Mutation testing: who tests your tests?
- #14: Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak Type Systems: understand how your language treats data types
- #13: Cassandra: NoSQL database that supports large amounts of data on commodity servers
- #12: Continuous integration, delivery and deployment: how quickly your main branch appears on production?
- #11: MapReduce: Groundbreaking Big Data algorithm and framework
- #10: HTTP: the most abundant protocol in the internet
- #9: Retrying failures: the simplest way to improve resiliency of your services
- #8: Kafka's design: append-only file that turns out to be a scalable message broker
- #7: Speed of light: how it impact network latency and CPU performance
- #6: Little's law: calculate response time vs. number of CPUs
- #5: asm.js and WebAssembly: binary format to speed up browsers and beyond
- #4: Serverless: the simplest way to deploy your code to the cloud at minimal cost
- #3: GraphQL: more powerful REST competitor
- #2: Service Mesh: a transparent layer around your microservices to provide observability and resiliency
- #1: Circuit Breaker: fail fast by cutting off malfunctioning dependencies
- #0: Meta