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Sneak peek at spring-cloud-function serverless project

April 20, 2018 | 6 Minute Read

Almost a year ago Spring team announced spring-cloud-function umbrella project. It's basically a Spring's approach to serverless (I prefer the term function-as-a-service) programming. Function<T, R> becomes the smallest building block in a Spring application. Functions defined as Spring beans are automatically exposed e.g. via HTTP in RPC style. Just a quick example how it looks:

public class FaasApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);

Function<Long, Person> personById(PersonRepository repo) {
return repo::findById;


interface PersonRepository {
Person findById(long id);

Mono<Person> findByIdAsync(long id);
The implementation of PersonRepository is irrelevant here. This is a valid Spring Boot application. But once you put spring-cloud-function dependency, beans of Function type come alive:

compile ''
At this point each Function (as well as Supplier and Consumer) bean is exposed via HTTP API. I'm using HTTPie as a command-line client:

$ echo 42 | http -v :8080/personById Content-type:text/plain
POST /personById HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 3
Content-type: text/plain

The response:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

"id": 42,
"name": "Bob"
Notice how personById bean of type Function turned into an HTTP endpoint. The Flux version called peopleById is even more interesting:

Function<Flux<Long>, Flux<Person>> peopleById(PersonRepository repo) {
return ids -> ids.flatMap(repo::findByIdAsync);
It allows processing a stream of input Long values and produce a stream of corresponding people. Remember that flatMap used in the implementation may not preserve order!

$ echo '[42,43]' | http -v :8080/peopleById 
POST /peopleById HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

This returns an array of results:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

"id": 42,
"name": "Bob"
"id": 43,
"name": "Alice"
Honestly, this whole serverless thing looks like RPC over HTTP so far. Or to put it more gently, a slightly simpler way of registering HTTP endpoints. Indeed, but this is just the beginning. First, let's define few more functions:

Function<Flux<Person>, Flux<Car>> carOfPerson() {
return flux -> ->
new Car("Honda",
p.getName() + " <" + p.getId() + ">"));

Function<Flux<Car>, Flux<String>> describe() {
return flux -> ->
c.getLicensePlate() + " (" + c.getModel() +
") owned by " + c.getOwnerName());
The stub implementations are fine for the purpose of this exercise. Now we can call carOfPerson function remotely via HTTP:

$ http -v :8080/carOfPerson id=42 name=Bob
POST /carOfPerson HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "42",
"name": "Bob"
POSTing a person (an argument to carOfPerson function) yields Car as a response:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

"licensePlate": "FOO-123",
"model": "Honda",
"ownerName": "Bob <42>"
POSTing many instances of Person would obviously return many instances of Car. What about calling describe(Car) returning String?

$ echo '{"licensePlate": "FOO-123", "model": "Honda", "ownerName": "Bob [42]"}' | \
http -v :8080/describe
POST /describe HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"licensePlate": "FOO-123",
"model": "Honda",
"ownerName": "Bob <42>"
This returns a one-element array of strings:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

"FOO-123 (Honda) owned by Bob <42>"
As a side-note, HTTPie makes working with JSON very convenient. Rather than piping the output of echo command, you can use this handy syntax:

$ http -v :8080/describe \
licensePlate='FOO-123' \
model=Honda \
ownerName='Bob <42>'

POST /describe HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"licensePlate": "FOO-123",
"model": "Honda",
"ownerName": "Bob <42>"
Cool, but back to serverless.

Composing functions server-side

Calling individual functions is nice, but we can compose many functions, piping the result of one function to input of another:

$ echo '[42, 43]' | \
http :8080/peopleById | \
http :8080/carOfPerson | \
http :8080/describe
This correctly returns an array of strings (Flux<Long> | Flux<Person> | Flux<Car> | Flux<String>)., However, we make numerous network round trips. A much better approach is to compose functions on the server side (wait, so there is a server in serverless?!?)

$ echo '[42, 43]' | http -v :8080/peopleById,carOfPerson,describe
POST /peopleById,carOfPerson,describe HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Passing two IDs of Person and then composing (piping) three functions, basically

describe . peopleById . carOfPerson
or (if you're not the Haskell type of guy 😉)

ids -> describe(carOfPerson(peopleById(ids)))
The response is expected:

HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:13:59 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

"FOO-123 (Honda) owned by Bob [42]",
"FOO-123 (Honda) owned by Bob [43]"
OK, what we saw so far isn't particularly impressive. I'd rather use semi-standard JSON-RPC if that's all the library has to offer. But spring-cloud-function offers another great feature: hot-deployment of functions.

Deploying and compiling of functions at runtime

First, add the following dependency:

compile ''
Then expose the built-in CompilerController:


public CompilerController compilerController() {
return new CompilerController();
At this point we can POST raw Java code snippets to our application, which will be compiled to bytecode and saved for later execution:

$ echo 's -> s.length()' | \
http -v :8080/function/len \
inputType==String \
POST /function/len?inputType=String&outputType=Integer HTTP/1.1

s -> s.length()

HTTP/1.1 200
Underneath spring-cloud-function-compiler compiles this Java code snippet statically. For example, type mismatch error is properly reported (notice the outputType query parameter):

$ echo 's -> s.length()' | \
http :8080/function/len \
inputType==String \
HTTP/1.1 500 ==========
return (Function<String,Long> & s -> s.length()
ERROR:incompatible types: bad return type in lambda expression
int cannot be converted to java.lang.Long
You can also try to define more complex functions:

$ echo "x -> \
.range(2, x + 1) \
.mapToObj(java.math.BigInteger::valueOf) \
.reduce(java.math.BigInteger.ONE, java.math.BigInteger::multiply)" \
| http :8080/function/factorial \
inputType==Integer \
This one defines factorial function from int to BigInteger. Fully qualified class names are necessary.


The project is still under active development and it's definitely not production ready. Also, the documentation is still not complete. However, it already has some support for serverless platforms like AWS lambda. I'm not an enthusiast when it comes to function-as-a-service deployment pattern, but it's good that Spring makes an effort to support this paradigm. I'm looking forward to next milestones!

Tags: HTTP, faas, httpie, serverless, spring

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